I am certainly not crafting every waking moment...but every now and again I really get a creative itch and MUST create something!
That combined with child-requests, and holiday gifts/decorating, I have been quite productive this fall (yes its still fall...even though it was only 22 degrees outside last night...).
Before more crafting happens and my phone starts screaming at me about the overload of project photos, I figured I had better post these!
Monkey Tutu
Emilie has a pretty cute little red tutu, and has lately hit the age of constant-dance-readiness. Its pretty cute...but sometimes a ballerina just needs a buddy. In this case, a monkey buddy. Cause monkey see, OBVIOUSLY monkey wanna-do, right?? Right.
Monkey needed the tutu, so I made it happen. Tulle is a beast though...it has a mind of its own. this little thing was quite the tough one to master, but master it I did, and Emilie has been tickled pink! Or red. Whatever...She is in love ❤
Fleece Blanket: Upcycled 4 ways!
When you head to the local walmart store for "Black Friday", but the "awesome deal" fleece girls pajamas are $5 still? Not cool. Until you walk past the end display stuffed full of fleece blankets with adorable prints. They are only $2.50. You had a business sewing baby and toddler pants, and have an awesome pattern for them. What do you do? That's right! Back that blue cart up, pick the cutest girl print that you know your daughters and new baby niece will look adorbs in, and take it home to snip to pieces and create!
I had extra, so Emilie's bunny got a "night-blankie" too! Nothing wasted!
Faux Cast Iron Wall Art
I adore my wall art! I have had lots of fun making these creations, and it feels so good to be recycling something that we as a large family, produce alot of...empty toilet paper rolls! Earlier this year I made a "Tree of Life", but this time I wanted something holiday/winter specific. What could be better than a 6-point star/snowflake, and a Hanukkiah??
Cinnamon & Clove Scented Oil
I needed to refresh my pinecones. You know, the ones you get for $5 and have lost their scent before the holidays are even over?? Yeah those ones. Buying a bottle of $7 oils to get a refresh for the year isn't exactly the answer (might as well buy the pinecones again!). But, if you can make your own oil for cheap cheap?? DO IT! So I did. Its not done, so I have NO idea how strong it will be, but it smells pretty good every time I pop the cork and take a whiff!
I filled my little bottle with pieces of cinnamon sticks, and about 1 tsp of whole cloves. Fill the rest of the bottle with olive oil, and let it soak for about 3 weeks. Don't make the mistake I did, and wait until December to do this...get a head start and begin when the leaves start falling, and you will have a beautiful brew by the time Thanksgiving rolls around!
Baby Leg Warmers (AKA Baby LegDoodles)
I still have a box of these lovely leg warmer pieces that were just too cute to part with when I retired my sewing business. I love cracking out the cute fluff when there is a new baby in town! Little miss got this sweet pair. Can't wait until she fits in them!
Back Heating Pad
Jonathan had a really rough night a few days ago. While my personal "Rice Sock" packs are great for concentrated areas of pain, it really doesn't cut it when you hurt ALL over. My sister had made an awesome rice pad for our brother that was giant, and so I decided to make one for Jon too! Grabbed some "manly" flannel, a few cups of rice, scissors, and boom! Made Jon a back heating pad!
Lovingly, Heather |