"We kiss the sweetest of Snickerdoodles, and teach the fragile Butterflies how to fly..."

"We kiss the sweetest of Snickerdoodles, and teach the fragile Butterflies how to fly..."

Friday, February 10, 2012

Out For a Walk

So, yes, I know we are insane. Always moving here and there, but at least I can honestly say, each house has been an improvement in some small or large way, and each house I have learned something new about myself, what I love, and what I hate. Shall we??

Gibsonville House: I love a big backyard, living by train tracks is SUPER awesome, within a walk to a library and park?? YES PLEASE! And a 3 bedroom house is nice too...but neighbors can be wacko, your dog doesn't like being tied up 24/7, and lets face it, the city just isn't for us.

Fuqua House: I loved the country, the woods, and the hopeful aspect of being one-step closer to our dream of being farmers. The two bedroom house was AWESOME, and how cool is a handmade pot belly stove to heat the house?? Did I mention clawfoot bathtub...sweet! However...pray over and claim protection for your property corners when you have a witch living next door, keep your children in when they have 3+ pitbulls, get your sister in law to squish giant camel crickets, and a cat to rid the house of mouse infestation. When you are going crazy for lack of human interaction, start a WAHM (work at home mom) business! In a few years, you will reap the benefits of those bored moments ;)

Blanch House: Hmm...yeah, talk about a step-up! 6+ Bedroom house, complete with barn, chicken coop, a hot house and mootel, not to mention barn across the street, and storage shop next to the house! Living off grid isn't as horrid as it might seem, and you definitely get super buff toting water buckets everywhere. Cooking on the Amish Stove is definitely an adventure, but make sure to REALLY stock it at night, or you can kiss your morning cup-o-joe goodbye...and taking a bath once or twice a week is kinda fun too. Keep a fly-swatter super handy, keep dirty cloth diapers in a TIGHTLY sealed bucket, and don't forget to turn the solar panels with the sun if you want a working fridge and freezer. My best piece of advice when using the outhouse? Make it cozy with candles, locate plastic containers to store the TP in BEFORE you are moving out (yep. pathetic.), and a plastic grocery bag with a hole in the bottom can be your best friend :)

Little Trailer at Stumpy Hill: PRAISE JESUS!!!!!!! Running water, flushing toilet, a washing machine and dryer, air conditioning, and internet! WOO HOO.. I don't care if its a 1 bedroom/2 closet trailer, we LOVE the yard, the shed, being close to our own creek, and pretty good neighbors too. Hard to believe this is an upgrade, but as satsifying as being almost amish was, its a good life when you get all our modern-age perks back ♥

House on the Hill: ITS HUGE! Yay... A little further from the farm, but its not as close to the main road, and we have 2 huge bedrooms, bathrooms, a beautiful kitchen, and large living room!

Antioch House: Husbands are amazing, especially when they secretly plan to get you into a beautiful house before the baby is due, but waits until our sisters can be there to help me move :) This house has more bedrooms, more space, and Timothy and Micah are right out back in our old trailer (2 houses ago..). The creek is still there, we are closer to the farm again, and now we have goats and cattle in the pasture next to us! Downside? Remember to put up a 10' fence so your kids don't take nature walks into the 55mph road out front, and neighbors call the cops on you while you are putting baby down for a nap *bleh*-->badmomoftheyear<--

New house: This house is just amazing. I think we all have pre-concieved notions of mobile homes, but once you walk inside my house, it is SO huge and roomy and open and I LOVE it! We live on the back side of the farm now, so since there is a hill between us and the "neighborhood" part of the farm, it feels so much more like the real deal! The first morning, you wake to cows mooing rather than cars zooming, your children can go outside and play to their hearts content cause they are 1/4 mile from any road, and 6 of our own chickens free-ranging add to the feeling of really being on a farm. Did I mention that for the first time since Gibsonville, I will have a dishwasher!? Jonny just informed me it will be fixed tomorrow! EEK! ♥ Now to go pick out a garden space...

My one complaint, is that now we are juggling our car around a bit, since Jonathan needs to take it to drive to the farmyard to work. But its okay, even in winter we can enjoy walks to the mailbox to ship out orders...........

Tyler has a backpack on...he got to carry 2 packages in his, that were smaller and lighter, since Jason is "so much more stronger than me". Micah just was along for the ride, and is quickly replacing Tyler as "mr. pokey"

Jason & Tyler, as we pass our old "house on the hill" on our way back from the mailboxes

Micah brought his Tiger along...

We decided to check on the goats and cows on our way home too, that are in the front pasture by Uncle Tim and Uncle Micah's house

Emilie was snuggled up with mama in the moby, and had a WONDERFUL time enjoying the fresh air. Thankfully it was a warmer day, probably mid-60's? Pretty warm for January here!

Over the crest of the hill, and there is our home, with the woods behind it!

And to the left, our boer goats...did I mention springtime is coming to the farm? We already have 3 kids...2 you can see here. Isn't the black one AWESOME!? He is my favorite!

Thursday, February 2, 2012