"We kiss the sweetest of Snickerdoodles, and teach the fragile Butterflies how to fly..."

"We kiss the sweetest of Snickerdoodles, and teach the fragile Butterflies how to fly..."

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Well, these we took after the boys helped me make the cake for Timothy's "going away" night! It was called "Red Velvet", which I am assuming is just chocolate cake with LOTS of red dye??? Anyhow, the boys were allowed to lick the spoons, but ended up getting it all over themselves. I was inspired, so I gave Jason some "warrior" paint. It was pretty funny :)

Cute little savages... ;)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Micah's big smiles

Cute Micah Crawling

The baby

(We helped him up here, but he is already pulling himself up onto furniture, steps, and toys! I seems it just happened overnight!)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The hang out

This is where you will most often find my two youngest children in the house, during the day.

Tyler's favorite toys are my plastic containers, that I keep in the cupboard (in the yellow one you see there), so he opens it up, pulls out EVERYTHING, and will play with them for hours!

Micah usually starts out sitting in front of the wood stove, on the kitchen rug...but eventually he can't stand it anymore, and he crawls over to Tyler and plays with him, knocking and banging the plastic and tin containers to his hearts content :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Little Dirty Boys' Bathtime

Teach the facts of Life

Well, one of our beloved chickens passed away yesterday.

We knew they were sick, but hoped they would all pull through, despite the winter storm. Thank goodness that 9 of them are all looking and acting MUCH improved, but when Jon went to feed them yesterday and break the ice in their water, he found that one had died.

Our first thought was "HURRY! Get it out before the kids notice, and don't say ANYTHING!", but on second thought, we realized that we can't protect them from life and death circumstances, and this would be a good (albeit small..) opportunity to explain it to Jason, as the death of a chicken is less traumatizing than a cat, dog, cow, etc. So this morning Jon took Jason out to "check on the chickens", and although he was sad that the hen had died, he took it pretty well!

Jonathan walked around back to work on the coop extension that they've been building, but Jason asked to remain in with the chickens to look at the dead one. Jonathan consented, and started to work, when he overheard....

"Oh, Hi chicken!" he said to a hen perched outside the nesting boxes..."You are looking SO much better! So, can you please lay us an egg now?"

"bock" Jon heard the chicken say, as if to warn that Jason was getting uncomfortably close to her. "Jason, don't scare the chickens please."

"I'm not. I'm just asking her to lay an egg for us"

Talking a bit more quiet this time, "WOW, You look good! Your feathers look good! Can you lay an egg for us now?"