"We kiss the sweetest of Snickerdoodles, and teach the fragile Butterflies how to fly..."

"We kiss the sweetest of Snickerdoodles, and teach the fragile Butterflies how to fly..."

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Regular-Old update on the Fam...

Hello Everyone!

I haven't updated in awhile, so I felt I should let ya'll know whats going on!

Jon's job is working out wonderfully, and I know he gets so much satisfaction in seeing a finished job that he helped do :) He is learning fast with some things, slow with others, but altogether I know he loves the kind of work he is doing, and I can see the difference in his attitude when he gets home now, from when he was surveying in Bothell.

I am just in the last throes of morning sickness, which I am so glad of! We have been battling sickness right and left, and with this spring being so busy, I am thankful to be feeling like I am myself again on some days :) I am 12 1/2 weeks now, and we are planning on having a home birth for this baby, so I am excited! My midwife is so nice, and I have an amazing lady who has agreed to be my doula...so I know I have a good support system.

Jason is doing perfect...other than getting 2 different flu's one-after-the-other. Poor baby! He will be 1 year old next week, and I am so excited for his birthday party! We can't have it on his actual birthday though, because our cousin Amos' wedding is on his birthday :) 2 parties in a row!!
Anyhow, he is walking all over now, waving goodbye, waving toward himself when he wants you to come with him, being a VERY picky eater, and he doesn't say "mom" or "dad", but he says "There!" and "There it is!" if you ask him where something is. Its so cute! I would have never thought that a sentence would be his first word, nor that it would be something other than the typical "momma, daddy" thing :) Surprise, surprise!

Other news, is that Stephanie and Ari are coming up for a 2-week visit, and arriving tomorrow! I am excited to see Stephie's new tummy! She is exactly 6 weeks ahead of me, and they now know it is gonna be a girl! :)
Steven and Andrea are moving this weekend! They have been looking for awhile, but finally found a really nice place in Bothell, so we are excited for them :)
We are looking for a house now too...the trailer is just getting a little too small, and difficult in many other ways to handle (no oven, 9 minute showers, easily plugged toilet, mice, tiny fridge, tiny sink, no dishwasher, no washer and dryer, etc...). We have been SO blessed to live here for a year, but I am not sure how much longer we can hold out :)

Well, I guess thats it! I'll post some more pictures as soon as I get my film developed :) Love ya'll!