Hello Everyone!
I haven't updated in awhile, so I felt I should let ya'll know whats going on!
Jon's job is working out wonderfully, and I know he gets so much satisfaction in seeing a finished job that he helped do :) He is learning fast with some things, slow with others, but altogether I know he loves the kind of work he is doing, and I can see the difference in his attitude when he gets home now, from when he was surveying in Bothell.
I am just in the last throes of morning sickness, which I am so glad of! We have been battling sickness right and left, and with this spring being so busy, I am thankful to be feeling like I am myself again on some days :) I am 12 1/2 weeks now, and we are planning on having a home birth for this baby, so I am excited! My midwife is so nice, and I have an amazing lady who has agreed to be my doula...so I know I have a good support system.
Jason is doing perfect...other than getting 2 different flu's one-after-the-other. Poor baby! He will be 1 year old next week, and I am so excited for his birthday party! We can't have it on his actual birthday though, because our cousin Amos' wedding is on his birthday :) 2 parties in a row!!
Anyhow, he is walking all over now, waving goodbye, waving toward himself when he wants you to come with him, being a VERY picky eater, and he doesn't say "mom" or "dad", but he says "There!" and "There it is!" if you ask him where something is. Its so cute! I would have never thought that a sentence would be his first word, nor that it would be something other than the typical "momma, daddy" thing :) Surprise, surprise!
Other news, is that Stephanie and Ari are coming up for a 2-week visit, and arriving tomorrow! I am excited to see Stephie's new tummy! She is exactly 6 weeks ahead of me, and they now know it is gonna be a girl! :)
Steven and Andrea are moving this weekend! They have been looking for awhile, but finally found a really nice place in Bothell, so we are excited for them :)
We are looking for a house now too...the trailer is just getting a little too small, and difficult in many other ways to handle (no oven, 9 minute showers, easily plugged toilet, mice, tiny fridge, tiny sink, no dishwasher, no washer and dryer, etc...). We have been SO blessed to live here for a year, but I am not sure how much longer we can hold out :)
Well, I guess thats it! I'll post some more pictures as soon as I get my film developed :) Love ya'll!