I am 35 weeks along now!
I can't believe how different this time has been compared to when I was pregnant with Jason, and making preparations.
I have my own beautiful home now, and although I don't have to worry about buying boy clothes or toys, my days are VERY eventful with preparations!
I am not sure how many of you know this, but, as Jason was an emergency Caesarean Section at the hospital, we have decided to have a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean). I am so excited to have this baby naturally, and the best part is, I am going to have him at home!!!
Up until recently, I have been spending lots of time pouring over books about home births, natural births, VBAC's, gleaning information from hospitals, Doctors, Midwives, friends, family, and yahoo groups...as well as doing all the paperwork that one must do in situations such as these :) It has been fun, but it seemed like so far away that this baby would actually be here.
Now, I am in a rush! I have 5 weeks left to finish crocheting Tyler's baby blanket, read the rest of the books I am currently in the middle of, prepare my home-birth kit, prepare my home, catch up on my scrapbooking, and write my birth plan(s)...not to mention keeping up with a rebellious little toddler, hanging out with family, keeping food on the table and the house clean, staying up-to-date on my e-mails, and taking every other thing that life swings my way!
Although I am very anxious for baby to be in my arms, I feel so much peace and satisfaction right now. At this point with Jason, I was complaining every night to Jonathan about how I just wanted him OUT! This time, I do have some uncomforts and complaints, but I have so much to do, I don't have time to watch the clock, or count every braxton-hicks :)
I really am so excited for this home birth! To be in my own bed, or bathtub, with my own food and drinks a room away, and my own music to listen to, or TV to watch. Not worrying I'll get stuck with some nasty nurse, or that my doctor will be out of town the day I go into labor...it is bliss! Plus, putting together a birth kit, is WAY more fun than packing for the hospital :)
(And just to put everyone's mind to rest, not only will I have my wonderful midwife and doula to attend me along with Jonathan...but we are less than 5 minutes away from the hospital incase anything goes wrong)
Well, I hope I haven't bored you with a pregnancy update, but now that the time is nearing, I figured I might as well share with everyone what our plan is, and how God has brought all of this together perfectly :) I have a great support system in our families & friends, and I can't wait to welcome this little boy into the world in such an intimate and lovely way.