"We kiss the sweetest of Snickerdoodles, and teach the fragile Butterflies how to fly..."

"We kiss the sweetest of Snickerdoodles, and teach the fragile Butterflies how to fly..."

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A New Baby!

It is pretty humorous how many people inform me that they "KNEW" I was pregnant before I did. However, this is not true. Naturally, since Jason & Tyler were so close, everyone was expecting us to be, well, expecting...at any time ;)
We really did want another baby though, and I am so pleased to announce, that we will be expecting another little boy or girl, sometime around July 2nd, 2009!!
I am currently almost 5 weeks along, and pleased to announce that I don't have morning sickness yet! I have headaches that come and go, and I am more tired than usual, but everything else is pretty much the same so far! I hope that the sickness will hold off a little while longer, and end QUICKLY, so I don't have to suffer during the holidays.
The boys are so excited! Jason continually reminds me, "I love the baby in your tummy, mommy.", so sweetly!! It is truly precious. He has been more gentle with me and Tyler lately, which is really wonderful. He is the best older brother, and I know he'll love this new little one. Tyler on the other hand...we'll have to wait and see :) He isn't gonna know what train hit him, I think. Unfortunately, I have kept him the 'baby' too long, and so we will for sure have some jealousy issues. But, for now he seems happily unaware of the pending situation ;)
Grace has been such a wonderful help, and so great with the kids. We are still discussing a time for her to go home, but I hope it won't be too soon ;) She definitely won't be staying longer than January (Lord willing), so that will be good...I know she misses her family so much.
Jonathan is working really hard at his job, and is enjoying making plans for our house and yard. I love seeing the change of passion in him...for home, the church, his friends, and his job. I know God has great plans for him, and I feel so blessed to be his wife.

Tyler's Birthday Party #2

Lisa, Greg, Jason, Tyler, ~~~ Tyler opening a gift
Heather, & Allyson

Jason digging into ~~~*Trying* to clean Tyler
Tyler's Cake

Cake & Candles, ~~~~~Jason Helping Tyler open
And two little boys!!~~~ His Gifts

Tyler's Birthday Party

Me & Tyler Allyson Parker, Jason & Tyler

Tyler Wayne The boys making us a fire

All the nummy Baked goodies!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Front of the house (Left side, and right side)

Back of the house (Left side w/driveway, & right side)

Our HUGE backyard! Well...part of it anyway :)

Our House #2

The little boys' Huge room
(and the 3rd pictures is of their new twin-size bed!)

The "Master Bathroom" :)

The "Master Bedroom"

This is our new Living room Furniture...at least the chair anyway! :) The couch and loveseat are the same colors and pattern. They are SO comfy!

Our House

Here is our Living room!

This is our Kitchen

These 3 pictures are the bathroom

This is the hallway, and our guest bedroom