I used to dream about the horrors I might find in my sons' pockets one day, but truly, they aren't as bad as all that. Ironically, I find that its the older men in their life who are trying to live vicariously through my children, that convince them to have pet ticks, capture turtles, or drop a spider on their mom's unsuspecting shoulder...
Here's a peek at some of the critters that both the little AND big boys have brough home this year!
Well, to be quite fair....this trip, it was just a bunch of ticks, and a nice little 2-day cold....I can handle that most the time.
Jason spent a LOT of his spring, going fishing with Daddy, Aunt Janice, and/or uncle Micah. They caught alot of fish! Most of them were itty-bitties though, but the fun in catching them was worth the toss back. He was always super cheerful about when the grownups caught the most, or largest fish :)
Janice would fry them up for us, and they were SOO good!
This is a dead butterfly that Micah just loved, so he carried it around with him for a few hours while we were in the mountains. He got upset when he set it down somewhere and forgot where he had put it, bless his heart!
We actually have had TWO turtles this summer! The first one, uncle Micah found, but we didn't really have a place to put him, so we let him soak in a little bucket outside on our covered deck, so escape the heat of the summer day. We went out to find he had disappeared, and he was nowhere in the near vicinity. Jason and Tyler cried a bit, but we knew it was a good thing, because it is REALLY hard to feed/care for wild turtles.
A couple months later, Jonathan found the turtle pictured here, and we kept her for a few days...she LOVED the garden produce (sugar baby watermellons, roma tomatoes, greens..), so we let her hang out in our bathtub for awhile. The boys really enjoyed it, and they were great sports when we said it was time to let her go back "home". Jason released her by the creek in our woods ♥
And THIS... The mole. Buck, our cattle dog, was digging in the woods, and cought the mole, but Jason snatched it before any harm was done. It went almost into an oppossum state, really lethargic and whatnot, so he decided to bring it inside to show me! :) Oh joy. I thought it was knockin' on death's door, but he kept saying "no, mom, its breathing, its alive!". They even set it on their little table, and took turns "petting" it...really cute, but, I was expecting death and stifness at any moment now. All the sudden, it perks up, and starts wiggling its nose, and moseying around their table, and I was thinkin now, "Praise God it didn't bite them!!!" Off Jason was sent to release it into the wild. He said he dug a little in the ground, set it down, and it quickly burrowed in and disappeared!
So, no harm, no foul, mama was happy :)
I don't have photos of these or anything, but, we also have had a couple birds, toads, frogs, and slugs...you'll just have to take my word for it!
Well, if anyone hasn't guessed it by regularly visiting my blog, and seeing the HUGE lengths of time between the posts here, I STINK at blogging!
There are alot of things going on in my life now, and much of them are based online, so I get on *totaly* intending on blogging, and, voila, I find myself distracted!
Its a good busy though, as I'm finding a balance between the "online world" and my physical world...
Pictures always help me to focus, so rather than writing out a MEGA post to bore your brains out, I'll write out a MEGA post, with photos! Yay! LOL.. FAITH....
First of all, I have been SO blessed, to be able to head-up an online-based bible study, through Good Morning Girls !
We meet every day in a private facebook group, to share about our quiet times with the Lord, and have committed to doing the current study of "Colossians" that GMG is hosting on their blog this fall!
We are in our second week now, and although its been a little rough with some of our members being out of town, and others dealing with illnesses in their homes, we are still plucking on! Already I have been SO blessed in this study, and I look forward to the coming weeks.
On top of this "virtual" bible study, I was also somehow pulled by the Lord to join in with our church's physical ladies bible study, where we are going through the book "Unglued" by Lysa TerQeurst.
Humbly, I admit, I have before judged some of Lysa's webcast statements, and "written her off" as someone I would *Never* learn from or open my heart to...but, the Lord is SO merciful, and has turned my judgement into something beautiful, and I have been able to put our differences aside, and really soak in what she writes about in her book. My life is full of chaos, so I have the tendancy to wack out (also known as unglued..I guess...), lol!
Thankfully, I had no choice in the matter...God took care of my excuses for time, gas, childcare, and supper conflicts, and Jon said "go ahead and do it!", so, I found myself at the bible study before I knew it! It has blessed me already, and we are only 2 weeks into this study as well!! He is slowly "chipping away" at my flesh, and while it hurts, part of it feels oh-so-good! I want to be free, and its about time, that I deal with my emotions, and learn to control them, and use them for HIS glory!
Did I say chaotic somewhere up there? I am CERTAIN I did!
This fall, is the first year that we are officially REGISTERED homeschoolers, in the State of North Carolina, YAY!
Hawkfield Home School is where Jason Hawkins, and the 3 other little munchkins, shall recieve their education, for the next 17+ years!
I quickly realized I had to throw off my preconcieved notions of "perfection" in schooling, and learn to work WITH my children's unique needs for learning... Want a laugh?
Tyler is brilliant, but he cannot hold a pencil or crayon. NO joke.
Jason needs frequent runs outside, or his energy canNOT be harnessed!
Emilie seems to be widening her vocabulary via Baby Einstein...which was the same for her older brothers, and I'm happy to let it work its magic on my children! Judge me. I dare you.
Micah has learned his alphabet letters through THIS video....
...as well as musically practicing the traditional song, while I accompany him on the piano, go figure!
Yes, unconventional, but its working for us, and that's what matters.
Now, onto my AMAZING husband...
Many of you know, that this year, we sold out milk goats to a young family...giving up his "part time rancher" status....he is now a FULL time rancher, and part time foreman on the Stumpy Hill farm, that our cousin Snoball owns.
The hours are long, and the pay is rough sometimes, but we count ourselves so blessed, that we are able to live this dream, so the financial sacrifices are worth it to us. We may not get fancy vacations, or the latest technology, or new cars...but we are happy, content, fed, and clothed, and truly want for nothing!
It has taken us a few hiccups in our lives, to realize the need for contentment in whatever situation we are put in...but praise the Lord, we are learning it, slowly but surely ♥
As for me...
...well, lets just say I posted the BELOW photo on my facebook page a week or so ago... it captures my life *so* completely, its almost scary, lol!
Breakdown: •Coffee (cold, been poured for 1.5 hours) •Bottle (my daughter is waiting for that in her crib) •Sippy (my son is waiting for that too..) •Wool Covers (waiting to get measured/listed) •Measuring tape (wool...) •Soggy Cereal (OH yeah...I am SUCH a mom!) •DVD Remote (Pause? Repeat? Sure baby, mama loves ya..)
•Bible/study books (That was supposed to be FIRST this morning..in front of the sunrise, with that cup of coffee..hahaha!) •Spoon (from mixing my coffee 30 minutes ago, as the cream was rising to the top, when I reattempted to drink it) •"To do" notebook list (UNDER all the DOING items...) •Cell phone (Need to make 2 phone calls before lunch...its 10:30am) •Release forms (for all 4 kids, for a church event)
Baby Snickerdoodles is doing wonderful, I have regular custom orders for a variety of items, which keeps me on my toes, and my creativity flowing!
Now that the kids are older and enjoy recreational time, its alot easier to find time to cut and sew during Emma's nap.
We have just been invited to join what is called a "Congo"....a shop that has multiple vendors selling their homemade wares...primarily, they are all work-at-home-moms, who are awesome, and are able to spend time with their familys while trying to make a little extra on the side to help their families financially...which I am in full support of!
This congo in particular, is Christmas themed, and is called....
Neat, huh??? Our first "Stocking" (don't you love all these new terms?? lol!), is TONIGHT! At 7pm...I can't wait! Unfortunately, I'll be at bible study, so I won't be able to stalk the page, BOO! But, you can enjoy it in my absense..... Wonderland: Your Holiday Shopping Destination!
Other than that, I am still (yes, I said I stink at blogging..) *trying* to keep up with my Baby Snickerdoodles blog....
...where I post some of the Do-it-yourself crafts and patterns that I use, or created, for my products!
Etsy is just plain old Etsy...where I try to keep a good amount of stuff stocked for the Etsian's out there ♥
Awesomely, they are now offering Etsy GIFTCARDS (!♥!♥!), and the option to purchase via credit card, rather than paypal!
I think that's pretty much it! Now, maybe I can start blogging more regularly about my crazy munchkins...and I mean, more often than 4 times a year at their birthday...