But even the cheap stuff is expensive and filled with junk that neither you or I could pronounce correctly.
Long story short, we are on an energy saving plan that means we don't cook on the stove or oven until 10am and my kids wake up early. It's either cereal or instant oatmeal (we make hot water with our old BUNN coffee maker).
Upon scouring the Internet, I found out how to turn my oats into an instant oatmeal consistency!
Food processor, 8 cups oats, 2TBSP salt, dashes of spices, and your choice of "toppings" (dried fruit, cocoa nibs, brown sugar, etc).
*Honey or maple syrup can be added when you add the water each morning*
14 (1/2-cup each)
1) Using your regular blade, add 2 cups of oats, 1/2TBSP salt, and spices.
2) Turn on for 10-12 seconds
3) Dump into large bowl
4) Repeat 3 times, until all of your 8 cups are a nice mix of chopped oats and pay flour, and the salt/spices are well mixed in.
5) Scoop 1/2 cup mixture into "snack" baggies"
6) Add a dash of whatever topping you want! We love dried strawberries, cacao nibs, and this month I got a "butterfingers" topping mix for a birthday morning special ;)
7) Zip up your bags and voila! Instant oatmeal that is healthier, and more "whole eating" friendly!
I have no idea the shelf life since I do this batch every week, and the kids eat it that week, LOL!
Have fun making it!