Well, its been such a long time since I posted, I figured it would be time to let people know what we are up to!
Its been 2 months exactly since Tyler was born! I have recovered so well, and Tyler is doing beautifully. Jason has his moments where he is careless around Tyler, but for the most part, he adores him :)
Jason is always talking about something, and has the cutest little voice ever! In the car, he constantly is calling us, only to have nothing more to say to us. If don't respond (after the 20th "MOM", it gets annoying), he starts having conversations with himself...its pretty hysterical! "Have a bite? No. Go see Uncle Daniel? Yeah! Oh. Laina! Zee! Doey!". Sometimes he gets deeper into conversation, but usually its just the name calling and "no" or "Yeah!".
Also his latest "thing" is to call Jonathan and I by our real names. Ugh! Its frustrating to constantly correct him, but he does it just to test us now, which is very interesting. "Jonny" "Heyer"...oh, and get this! Lately, its started being "Honey", which is what Jonathan & I often call each other in his presence. THAT one we let him do, and laugh at it as well! Its so cute :) I imagine it is confusing to little kids having their parents be called something different by everyone else...however it is a term of respect, and for children to call their parents by their real names is disrespectful in our book. Therefore, daddy and mommy and "honey" we will remain :)
Another thing he has started doing, is mimmicking certain words, like "Oh shoot." and "Gosh". Its hilarious, as he is SO articulate in his speech, but we hide our smiles and chastise him. I must admit it is pretty much all my fault, as I tend to vent my frustrations with those phrases throughout the day. I guess mommy will have to start watching her words more carefully!
Tyler is 2 months old, and is doing SO well holding his head up! He weighed 13lbs 12oz on the grocery store's scale :) He tries faintly to reach for toys while on his tummy, and he scoots a little too. He absolutely LOVES the Moby (a 7-yards-long fabric wrap), and falls asleep almost instantly when I wear him in it. He sleeps for 5-7 hour stretches if I let him, but I try to wake up and nurse him at least once a night...but the occaisional time hits that I sleep for the length that he does, and wake up and OOPS! Its good to sleep, but I really want to make sure I feed him during the night too. He has the BIGGEST smile ever, and has been smiling since he was 2 weeks old. What a joy!
Jonathan is working for my Uncle Jim currently, and we'll see what else developes in the next few months. Its good experience for him, but as soon as uncle Jim's house is done, we aren't sure if they will stay as a team and get a job, or if Jonathan will get a job on his own. Who knows what the future holds except for the Lord :)
Well I guess that is all! Merry Christmas Everyone! (Enjoy the pictures)
Jonathan, Heather, Jason, & Tyler
Its been 2 months exactly since Tyler was born! I have recovered so well, and Tyler is doing beautifully. Jason has his moments where he is careless around Tyler, but for the most part, he adores him :)
Jason is always talking about something, and has the cutest little voice ever! In the car, he constantly is calling us, only to have nothing more to say to us. If don't respond (after the 20th "MOM", it gets annoying), he starts having conversations with himself...its pretty hysterical! "Have a bite? No. Go see Uncle Daniel? Yeah! Oh. Laina! Zee! Doey!". Sometimes he gets deeper into conversation, but usually its just the name calling and "no" or "Yeah!".
Also his latest "thing" is to call Jonathan and I by our real names. Ugh! Its frustrating to constantly correct him, but he does it just to test us now, which is very interesting. "Jonny" "Heyer"...oh, and get this! Lately, its started being "Honey", which is what Jonathan & I often call each other in his presence. THAT one we let him do, and laugh at it as well! Its so cute :) I imagine it is confusing to little kids having their parents be called something different by everyone else...however it is a term of respect, and for children to call their parents by their real names is disrespectful in our book. Therefore, daddy and mommy and "honey" we will remain :)
Another thing he has started doing, is mimmicking certain words, like "Oh shoot." and "Gosh". Its hilarious, as he is SO articulate in his speech, but we hide our smiles and chastise him. I must admit it is pretty much all my fault, as I tend to vent my frustrations with those phrases throughout the day. I guess mommy will have to start watching her words more carefully!
Tyler is 2 months old, and is doing SO well holding his head up! He weighed 13lbs 12oz on the grocery store's scale :) He tries faintly to reach for toys while on his tummy, and he scoots a little too. He absolutely LOVES the Moby (a 7-yards-long fabric wrap), and falls asleep almost instantly when I wear him in it. He sleeps for 5-7 hour stretches if I let him, but I try to wake up and nurse him at least once a night...but the occaisional time hits that I sleep for the length that he does, and wake up and OOPS! Its good to sleep, but I really want to make sure I feed him during the night too. He has the BIGGEST smile ever, and has been smiling since he was 2 weeks old. What a joy!
Jonathan is working for my Uncle Jim currently, and we'll see what else developes in the next few months. Its good experience for him, but as soon as uncle Jim's house is done, we aren't sure if they will stay as a team and get a job, or if Jonathan will get a job on his own. Who knows what the future holds except for the Lord :)
Well I guess that is all! Merry Christmas Everyone! (Enjoy the pictures)
Jonathan, Heather, Jason, & Tyler
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