"HINEH CHAYAI, ANI NOTEN LECHA" (Here is my life, I give myself to you)
"We kiss the sweetest of Snickerdoodles, and teach the fragile Butterflies how to fly..."

Monday, December 29, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Well, what an interesting story I have.
I took a shower with both the boys yesterday, and I sat down in the tub with them while I was washing them up. I took a moment to rest my head on my knees, and bask in the hot water from the shower head, and I felt Jason gently petting my head. He often does such gentle and sweet things like that, so I had no reason to suspect anything horrid.
After a few moments of what he called "Brushing your hair", he said something about not cutting me. My eyes flew open, and I instantly reached back and grabbed his hand, which to my horror was holding my razor, and a clump of my beautiful blonde hair hanging from the blades. Ugh.
I reached back and tried to feel for the damage, but thankfully only a few clumps had been severed. Upon exiting the shower and drying my hair, I found that it actually wasn't THAT obvious that I had been given the unwanted haircut...and then I finally was able to see the humor in what happened :)
Jonathan had no pity for me, as he has many times told me to keep my razors on the counter and out of the shower. At least Grace gave me some sympathy ;)
Monday, December 1, 2008
I will start with the youngest member of the family, just for some sort of order with this update :)
Baby Hawkins is getting much bigger, and is almost 10 weeks now! Mommy is almost always sick, but is STARTING to have good days. Baby has little fingers and toes, and is looking much more like a baby! This week, baby is a little more than an inch long, and is looking the size of a VERY large bean.
Tyler Hawkins, as has just been discovered, is being spoilt by aunt Grace. After this was discovered, we have decided to show him that he can't be being held 24/7, to his GREAT detriment. He basically cried all this morning because Grace had to do 2 loads of laundry, and hang them all up to dry as well. It was quite unpleasant for all of us, but he needs to learn that he can't always be held and babied when things need to get done.
He is talking alot more. Jonathan has taught him to say "Da" for yes, (which is German), and he says it all the time! He also says Thank-You, Water, Bye, Momma, Dadda, Bite, and some other words too. He has preffered to not talk alot until lately, and it is still hard to understand all of his words, so I can't make a complete list :)
He takes a bottle of water to bed, and just lays down until its gone, and he is almost always asleep by then, or VERY soon afterward! Its nice that at least one of the little men gives us an easy time of it.
Tyler eats like a dinosaur...I cannot believe how much he can stuff in his little tummy. For instance, last night: 3 orange slices, 1 1/2 med. sized pancakes, 3 pieces of bacon, 2 sausage patties, 1 scrambled egg, and various drinks of water, cider, and soda.
His tummy was so bulging I thought he was going to rupture something for sure! Whats horrid, is that he was still CRYING because we refused him any more bites!! Yeah...TOTAL social eater.
Jason continues to amaze me. He has quite a few sassy moments, and is SO smart it startles me sometimes. He has started having little funny tantrums, that are VERY hard not to laugh at because of how he attempts to cry, and then shake his arms and legs all over the place.
He is a good boy most of the time though, and I see many good qualities in him all the time. He insists on holding the doors open for us girls whenever we go out of the house, into a room, or into the library or church. He gets VERY hurt if we don't let him :) He will run ahead of us sometimes on the road while on walks, but stops when coming to an intersection or crossing place. Sometimes he gets naughty, but most the time he is very good and mature about it.
He did very good on Black Friday, as we woke the kids up at 4:30 AM to go shop at walmart. He was a trooper the whole time, and after dragging him everywhere in the store with me, he finally sat down with red tear-full eyes and sweetly and calmly asked to be held. It was so precious!
Jason often will come and talk to my baby in a sweet little voice, and tell me that he loves the baby. He calls baby a "she" most the time, which will be really sweet unless we find out its a boy :)
He was really upset because Jonathan wen't hunting without him last weekend, but he rallied his spirits, and was generally excited that Daddy might get a bear :) Jonathan forgot his license at home unfortunately, and met us at walmart Friday morning to get it (he had spent the night at his hunting-buddies house to get an early start). When Jason saw Jonathan, he said, "Did you get the bear?" We all had a good laugh :)
Grace is an angel. I continue to insist that I would die without her! She is a perfect house-keeper, and nanny for the kids while I am sick. She is gonna be going home in January, which I am dreading. Not only because of losing her company, but because I know it will also tear the kids up with missing her. She is constantly encouraging me to be more frugal with money, and have a positive attitude even when its easy to get discouraged about things. Its so nice to have a best friend living with you, to enjoy the fun moments with the kids, and ask advice, and tell silly things to. Poor thing has a cold now though, so please pray she will get better!!
I am doing the same. I feel sick all the time, but now it swings from constantly being in the bathroom, and actually being able to get up, go places, and eat food. I pray those days become more frequent :)
I was able to do some scrapbooking a week or two ago, and that was fun to distract myself. I can't crochet, because for some weird reason it makes me more dizzy and therefor nausaeous. I spend most my time reading in bed, to be honest. I have devoured so many books lately, its crazy! I can read a huge thick book in 1 day easily, and its a sorry thing, as our library is quite wanting with the novels I would like. My favorite book so far has been "Annie, between the states", which is a civil war novel. It was so good, and I am quite upset that the author hasn't written a whole series like it! ;)
We have some really good friends that live about 5 minutes from us, and have a couple kids too. Shaphan and Layla have 3 kids...Kendle, 11...Ethan, 5....and Isabella (or Izzy), 7 months. I love talking to Layla, and the kids all get along really good, despite the age differences ;) Kendle LOVES Grace, and Jason and Ethan play really good together...although Ethan sometimes gets frustrated that Jason doesn't always understand whats going on. And Jason and Tyler are pretty much in love with Izzy, and give her kisses and luvs constantly! She puts up with it all pretty good, but sometime all that boy-attention gets too much her :)
Jonathan is doing good. He is considering getting a second job for a couple months, but so far his applications having been responded to. I'm sure the Lord has his timing though :) Work is harder now for him, since it is getting colder, and a new pair of work boots are on his Christmas list this year. He has a guy-night on Tuesdays when a couple of the guys go to a place called Buffalo Wild Wings. It is a good time for fellowship with them, and he enjoys it. Thursday is the Mens Group meeting, and they meet at a little coffee shop in town. Lately, as I mentioned earlier, weekends have been occupied hunting with a new friend from our Sunday Night small group, named Zach. He is really nice, and has some property that Jonathan and him can hunt on. Jonny almost got a deer 2 weeks ago, but something was messed up with the sight, so he missed. He was relieved that it wasn't just his own bad-shot though :)
Jonathan takes the boys outside when its not too cold (which is hardly ever anymore!), and lets Jason help rake the leaves out of our yard. Tyler mostly just wanders around, but its fun for them to spend time with daddy. They also do "Mail-time" with Jonathan when he gets home from work, which is also a highlight of their day :) He is the best dad in the world, and its so much fun watching him sit down with both of them in his lap.
That's pretty much whats been going on lately :) Life is good, and we miss everyone in Washington SO much...but God is bringing us new friends, old friendships are getting sweeter, and our family is growing closer to each other in many ways. The best times are always when we see God doing things with us or through us, and knowing that we are where he wants us to be.
Baby Hawkins is getting much bigger, and is almost 10 weeks now! Mommy is almost always sick, but is STARTING to have good days. Baby has little fingers and toes, and is looking much more like a baby! This week, baby is a little more than an inch long, and is looking the size of a VERY large bean.
Tyler Hawkins, as has just been discovered, is being spoilt by aunt Grace. After this was discovered, we have decided to show him that he can't be being held 24/7, to his GREAT detriment. He basically cried all this morning because Grace had to do 2 loads of laundry, and hang them all up to dry as well. It was quite unpleasant for all of us, but he needs to learn that he can't always be held and babied when things need to get done.
He is talking alot more. Jonathan has taught him to say "Da" for yes, (which is German), and he says it all the time! He also says Thank-You, Water, Bye, Momma, Dadda, Bite, and some other words too. He has preffered to not talk alot until lately, and it is still hard to understand all of his words, so I can't make a complete list :)
He takes a bottle of water to bed, and just lays down until its gone, and he is almost always asleep by then, or VERY soon afterward! Its nice that at least one of the little men gives us an easy time of it.
Tyler eats like a dinosaur...I cannot believe how much he can stuff in his little tummy. For instance, last night: 3 orange slices, 1 1/2 med. sized pancakes, 3 pieces of bacon, 2 sausage patties, 1 scrambled egg, and various drinks of water, cider, and soda.
His tummy was so bulging I thought he was going to rupture something for sure! Whats horrid, is that he was still CRYING because we refused him any more bites!! Yeah...TOTAL social eater.
Jason continues to amaze me. He has quite a few sassy moments, and is SO smart it startles me sometimes. He has started having little funny tantrums, that are VERY hard not to laugh at because of how he attempts to cry, and then shake his arms and legs all over the place.
He is a good boy most of the time though, and I see many good qualities in him all the time. He insists on holding the doors open for us girls whenever we go out of the house, into a room, or into the library or church. He gets VERY hurt if we don't let him :) He will run ahead of us sometimes on the road while on walks, but stops when coming to an intersection or crossing place. Sometimes he gets naughty, but most the time he is very good and mature about it.
He did very good on Black Friday, as we woke the kids up at 4:30 AM to go shop at walmart. He was a trooper the whole time, and after dragging him everywhere in the store with me, he finally sat down with red tear-full eyes and sweetly and calmly asked to be held. It was so precious!
Jason often will come and talk to my baby in a sweet little voice, and tell me that he loves the baby. He calls baby a "she" most the time, which will be really sweet unless we find out its a boy :)
He was really upset because Jonathan wen't hunting without him last weekend, but he rallied his spirits, and was generally excited that Daddy might get a bear :) Jonathan forgot his license at home unfortunately, and met us at walmart Friday morning to get it (he had spent the night at his hunting-buddies house to get an early start). When Jason saw Jonathan, he said, "Did you get the bear?" We all had a good laugh :)
Grace is an angel. I continue to insist that I would die without her! She is a perfect house-keeper, and nanny for the kids while I am sick. She is gonna be going home in January, which I am dreading. Not only because of losing her company, but because I know it will also tear the kids up with missing her. She is constantly encouraging me to be more frugal with money, and have a positive attitude even when its easy to get discouraged about things. Its so nice to have a best friend living with you, to enjoy the fun moments with the kids, and ask advice, and tell silly things to. Poor thing has a cold now though, so please pray she will get better!!
I am doing the same. I feel sick all the time, but now it swings from constantly being in the bathroom, and actually being able to get up, go places, and eat food. I pray those days become more frequent :)
I was able to do some scrapbooking a week or two ago, and that was fun to distract myself. I can't crochet, because for some weird reason it makes me more dizzy and therefor nausaeous. I spend most my time reading in bed, to be honest. I have devoured so many books lately, its crazy! I can read a huge thick book in 1 day easily, and its a sorry thing, as our library is quite wanting with the novels I would like. My favorite book so far has been "Annie, between the states", which is a civil war novel. It was so good, and I am quite upset that the author hasn't written a whole series like it! ;)
We have some really good friends that live about 5 minutes from us, and have a couple kids too. Shaphan and Layla have 3 kids...Kendle, 11...Ethan, 5....and Isabella (or Izzy), 7 months. I love talking to Layla, and the kids all get along really good, despite the age differences ;) Kendle LOVES Grace, and Jason and Ethan play really good together...although Ethan sometimes gets frustrated that Jason doesn't always understand whats going on. And Jason and Tyler are pretty much in love with Izzy, and give her kisses and luvs constantly! She puts up with it all pretty good, but sometime all that boy-attention gets too much her :)
Jonathan is doing good. He is considering getting a second job for a couple months, but so far his applications having been responded to. I'm sure the Lord has his timing though :) Work is harder now for him, since it is getting colder, and a new pair of work boots are on his Christmas list this year. He has a guy-night on Tuesdays when a couple of the guys go to a place called Buffalo Wild Wings. It is a good time for fellowship with them, and he enjoys it. Thursday is the Mens Group meeting, and they meet at a little coffee shop in town. Lately, as I mentioned earlier, weekends have been occupied hunting with a new friend from our Sunday Night small group, named Zach. He is really nice, and has some property that Jonathan and him can hunt on. Jonny almost got a deer 2 weeks ago, but something was messed up with the sight, so he missed. He was relieved that it wasn't just his own bad-shot though :)
Jonathan takes the boys outside when its not too cold (which is hardly ever anymore!), and lets Jason help rake the leaves out of our yard. Tyler mostly just wanders around, but its fun for them to spend time with daddy. They also do "Mail-time" with Jonathan when he gets home from work, which is also a highlight of their day :) He is the best dad in the world, and its so much fun watching him sit down with both of them in his lap.
That's pretty much whats been going on lately :) Life is good, and we miss everyone in Washington SO much...but God is bringing us new friends, old friendships are getting sweeter, and our family is growing closer to each other in many ways. The best times are always when we see God doing things with us or through us, and knowing that we are where he wants us to be.
Walking to the Library
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
A New Baby!
It is pretty humorous how many people inform me that they "KNEW" I was pregnant before I did. However, this is not true. Naturally, since Jason & Tyler were so close, everyone was expecting us to be, well, expecting...at any time ;)
~We really did want another baby though, and I am so pleased to announce, that we will be expecting another little boy or girl, sometime around July 2nd, 2009!!
I am currently almost 5 weeks along, and pleased to announce that I don't have morning sickness yet! I have headaches that come and go, and I am more tired than usual, but everything else is pretty much the same so far! I hope that the sickness will hold off a little while longer, and end QUICKLY, so I don't have to suffer during the holidays.
~The boys are so excited! Jason continually reminds me, "I love the baby in your tummy, mommy.", so sweetly!! It is truly precious. He has been more gentle with me and Tyler lately, which is really wonderful. He is the best older brother, and I know he'll love this new little one. Tyler on the other hand...we'll have to wait and see :) He isn't gonna know what train hit him, I think. Unfortunately, I have kept him the 'baby' too long, and so we will for sure have some jealousy issues. But, for now he seems happily unaware of the pending situation ;)
Grace has been such a wonderful help, and so great with the kids. We are still discussing a time for her to go home, but I hope it won't be too soon ;) She definitely won't be staying longer than January (Lord willing), so that will be good...I know she misses her family so much.
~Jonathan is working really hard at his job, and is enjoying making plans for our house and yard. I love seeing the change of passion in him...for home, the church, his friends, and his job. I know God has great plans for him, and I feel so blessed to be his wife.
Tyler's Birthday Party #2
Monday, October 13, 2008
Our House #2
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