Jason came running into my room (cutting in front of Tyler, to get to me first for HIS side of the story), and began by saying, "Tyler made a big mess with daddy's stuff!". Then, here comes Tyler, PLASTERED with shaving cream, and tracking it all on the rug through the living room and into my bedroom. This was a turning point for me: usually I am so upset at whatever catastrophy they cause, that I get instantly angry and try not to yell. This time, my biggest battle was keeping the smile off my face, and letting out a good laugh once I was in my bedroom, grabbing the camera, and out of the boys' earshot :)
Jason said, "Tyler did it all..he messed it all up". Sure. Whatever Jason. Tyler couldn't press down the shaving cream button to save his LIFE, let alone plaster himself that well with it. I'm sure he helped! But, I think we all know who the real culprit was.