"We kiss the sweetest of Snickerdoodles, and teach the fragile Butterflies how to fly..."

"We kiss the sweetest of Snickerdoodles, and teach the fragile Butterflies how to fly..."

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Have you ever...

Okay, here is a great one for the traumatizing memory book:

Zoe and I got locked in an outhouse!


So we were visiting some friends of ours, when Zoe and Jason both declared to us that they needed to use the bathroom. So, I volunteered to take them into the outhouse, as I had used it before, and knew where it was etc.

Jason went first, then left while I helped Zoe go. I unhooked the inside latch, and pushed the door to open it. Stuck. Pushed again, stuck.


Jason had decided that he would lock the OUTSIDE latch, so me and Zoe were locked in! It was a windy day, so the smell one might naturally associate with an outhouse were quite strong, and it was starting to get dark, so Zoe AND me started panicking. So, I started calling out the window for help. Then I started Yelling. Yelling turned to moderate screaming for all the members of our family. I realized that this wasn't helping my frightened niece, so I picked her up, and told her a story which calmed her nerves a bit. Then I tried calling again, and told her it was a game and we both had to call for mommy and daddy. It was horrible!

About 15-20 minutes of this, and finally I heard footfall nearby, and yelled really loud for help. Then I heard the little feet approaching, with the faint chuckle of a child...a boy...MY boy...JASON!

He unlocked the door, and stood there chuckling and said, "I forgot I had locked you in there".

DAHHHHHHHHH! I was quite upset and quite to the point of tears...but I kept it together lest I embarrass myself in front of everyone.

Wanna know what the worst part was? NOBODY had missed us, and they weren't even CLOSE to coming to look for us. If Jason hadn't happened to run away from the group towards the outhouse, we would have been stuck in there for probably an hour or so.

I am sure there is a moral to this story, but I am still fresh out of the outhouse enough to not find it quite as hilarious as I probably will in my old age :)

OH, and Zoe was VERY happy to get out too...I wonder if she will be as traumatized as I was?

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