It would have to be breathable to let him breathe...yet soft and spongy to prevent even the slightest bump, bruise, slice, stab, etc.
It would have to prevent stumbling and clumsiness, as this is usually what precedes the incidents...
Shall we review???
#1 Jason was almost 3 in our Gibsonville house, when he decided to run away from daddy...tripped on his own feet...fell into the coffee table...and split his eyebrow open. We butterfly stitched it, but there still was a very visible scar.
#2 Jason was shopping with Daddy and Uncle Cyle, and him and Nick were hanging on the cart...Tyler was in the cart and decided to go over to the boys' side...the cart tipped...Jason's head hit the floor, RIGHT smack dab on his old scar (from incident #1) instantly swelled...the scar tissue couldn't stretch...the skin popped open right in front of Jon and Cyle...HERE HE IS:

Apparently, Walmart employees were all informed of the incident, as a couple of days later in walmart one of them was like, "Oh, we heard all about YOU!" when he saw Jason's head and Jason told him he fell over in a cart.

Healing nicely! When all of the sudden....
#3 Jason and Jon were watching while Gracie and Cyle milked Hollyhock...a plastic toy tunnel moved in the wind and spooked her...she backed/ran into them...sending Gracie, Jon, and Jason UP and OVER the electric fence! As Jon had been holding Jason when it happened, he realized Jason was flying straight for the brick pile and tried grabbing him clear of it...unfortunately the corner of his head still hit the corner of a brick...and was punctured and started gushing blood...thank the LORD we had Cyle (an EMT) to help me stop panicking and assess the situation and give a diagnosis ;) We cleaned it up, and as he started acting just fine in a few minutes, we patched it up and prayed it would heal well.

And here too :) BUT WAIT!.........
#4 Jason decided to WRESTLE aunt Grace, Micah, and Tyler...he got a little carried away...and bashed his head on the base of my sewing table...OUCH!

But wait there's more!
#5 Jason was playing with the other kids around Grace and Lizzy's door...Nicholas somehow accidentally shut the door while Jason's finger was in it...OUCH!
I didn't get any pictures of this, but pretty much his whole finger swelled to double its size, turned purple, the nail got all pussy underneath, and finally fell off about a week ago. He is currently nail-less on that finger, but at least it doesn't look as bad as it did.
I didn't get any pictures of this, but pretty much his whole finger swelled to double its size, turned purple, the nail got all pussy underneath, and finally fell off about a week ago. He is currently nail-less on that finger, but at least it doesn't look as bad as it did.
Does that explain the need for a bubble, now?
Have you heard the story of Samuel falling from the second story of one of their houses onto the cement floor below? That scared me just hearing the story years later!
ReplyDeleteTheresa told me about the move. I'm so happy for you guys. If anybody can do this, you all can!! Please have us over when you're settled or if you need any help!