This has been the best Christmas yet I think...Jason and Tyler are older now and more appreciative of things, and although Micah still wanted to remove and throw every christmas tree ball until it broke, he really had a high respect for the wrapped gifts, and quietly waited his turn to be given a gift to unwrap. He was so excited about all his gifts, and gave each one a good playing with before even THINKING about opening another package. It was so cute!

(Jonny got a bluegrass CD...thats why he's smiling)

Tyler got a train track and some engines!

In the spirit of true country foke, we got our boys some items that might come in handy (Jason: BB Gun, Tyler: Cap Pistol)...complete with cowboy hats!
***Timothy just needed to feel the power momentarily***

Now, in the true TRUE spirit of country foke, Timothy got Jon and Jason (and himself *ahem*) a hunting game where you hold the rifle and shoot. We have had lots of fun family nights with that thing!!! Anyone have more batteries????

This is Micah's all time favorite gift (which I figured it would be, knowing how crazy he is about MY cell phone...). He constantly plays with it, and if he has put it somewhere, and we ask him, "Where is your cell phone??", he gets all frantic and runs off to find it, and brings it to us :)
What an easy baby to please!

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