Family Update:
1) Micah is left-handed
2) Tyler is pretty much fully potty-trained
3) Micah is currently potty training
4) My new sewing machine is AMAZING
5) Jason is self-teaching with his school work, and has read a few sight words
6) Micah sings the alphabet, but I can only make out "A, B," and "E, F, G", and "S, T". Everything else just sounds like "eh" and "eee".
7) Tyler has decided to go into the stage where every naughty action is blamed 100% on the current toy being played with. "The quad ruined the fort!", "Larry boy hit him!", "The snake pulled out all the yarn!".......therefore plunging himself into what I now call "The Tyrannical Threes".
8) Jason has won "Diddy Kong Racing", so now he has started re-starting the whole game and whizzing through it by winning every race one-after-the-other. Can anyone say obsessed?
9) Jon just had another cow butchered, so we now have a freezerful of meat that WE can eat, AND can send to market
10) I am now 30 Weeks pregnant with "Baby", and we are 95% decided on a girls name, but just need to work on the boys name.
11) We expect 3 of our goats to kid in the next couple of days
12) 2 chicks just hatched, but we have 25 more chicks on order, and should get them next week
13) Jason is THE most amazingly helpful 4 year old I have ever known. And he NEVER complains when I ask him to do something...even if it is hard or time consuming. He has a fantastic attitude, and I can tell he is proud of himself for "helping mommy"
14) I am staying pretty busy with Baby Snickerdoodles, but its a perfect balance so far and not taking over our lives or house. I have 1-3 orders a week about? Some are customs, but most are just what I have in the shop on Etsy. A set of soakers and 4 sets of cloth baby wipes paid for Jason's birthday gift, woo hoo!
15) All the boys in my life are in love with coffee.