Tyler found a big mint green gladiator helmet....

Here's the party!

Singing "Happy Birthday"...I guess we were out of tune???

Jon with the cake

Aren't the candles awesome? All squigly and whatnot

Here is our biggest gift for Jason...the box came in the mail 2 weeks ago and Jason has been itching to open it ever since....

A WORLD GLOBE! He has a fascination with geography and wasn't quite grasping the concept of where things are in reference to the world being round :)

Micah just loved the box!

Here are my sweet boys ♥

Jason got a mug for drinking "milk coffee" with daddy

Uncle Timmy gave him awesome dragon pajamas!

The girls gave him a "school kit" since this year he will be starting kindergarden *GASP*

The Rovers and us got him DVD's...little einsteins!

From the girls...animal crackers (which we ALL have been enjoying....)

Checking out his bounty :)

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