"We kiss the sweetest of Snickerdoodles, and teach the fragile Butterflies how to fly..."

"We kiss the sweetest of Snickerdoodles, and teach the fragile Butterflies how to fly..."

Friday, May 18, 2012

Tilling up the Garden

This is a particularly interesting story, but really, it was all good that it happened hind-sight...just wasn't exactly how we had planned, lol!

Due to all of the "experts" shall we call them? On Gardening and when to till, plant, etc, we were in a almighty hurry to get our garden's ground broken. Snoball kept telling us not to, and it was too early, but we figured that the experts know better than the farmer who's been gardening his whole life....hm...okay anyhow!

After our begging and pleading, Snoball let Jonny use the tiller, so we set to work!! I told him how big I wanted it, where I wanted it, and he did the manual labor with the tiller, while the rest of us picked up rocks and tossed them....

Emilie decided to wake up from her afternoon nap, so she joined us, cranky pants and all...

Picking up rocks

Daddy explains the sizes to toss

Look at that handsome man!


Uh oh, drama llama

Stop taking pictures and just hold me already!!!

See, that's all I wanted... (spoiled..)

Nevermind...what in the WORLD is that noise??

Bugs were coming out and it was getting chilly...this WAS April afterall...

The end result, was that we DID accomplish turning over the ground...

After we did this initial tilling, that was when Micah brought the tractor down and did the deep tilling and rows...

However after the fact, everything I DID plant rotted or got soil-locked because clay soil should not get tilled up until its BONE dry (like, mid-May?), and we tilled it up, so when it rained...solid as a rock. Ugh. BUT, at least we did get some nutrients in the soil, and all our potatoes and half the sweet potatoes, DID end up surviving, yay! As it is now mid-may, last week Jon re-tilled the garden (except the surviving rows of potatoes), and we planted everything except the beans and peas! WOO HOO!! We had a couple days of heat, and then a good couple days of rain, and already the garden is thriving, LOVE IT!!

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