Tyler has become the little tattletale in our family. Not only that, but he also tends to boss Jason around, or correct him after I am done correcting him.
The other night, I was laying with both boys in our bed, and Jason had been told not to get up. He suddenly sat up, to which I promptly told him, "Lay back down." very sternly. He flopped back down. Tyler turned on his side, towards Jason, and said VERY sternly, "Jas, ay dan." I told Tyler to turn back over, and that it was none of his business, to which he responded by promptly flopping onto his back and laying very quietly.
I just about died of laughter!!!
Tyler also often runs to us, and dramatically bangs his head with his hand, says "bong", then points towards the direction of the house Jason is in, and says, "Jas". What's so funny, is usually he hadn't gotten bonked on the head! Usually Jason either pushed him away from the TV, closed Tyler out of their room, threw a toy at Him, or took something from him.
Either way, Tyler is definitely taking this younger brother job VERY seriously, and filling every qualification to make him an ideal "Annoying younger brother" for Jason :)
p.s. Half the time, Tyler hits or grabs something from Jason first, which Jason responds to either whimpily (Crying, "Tyler took my toy"), or else finds revenge by returning the offense (Sternly, "TYLER! Give that BACK!")....all to which Tyler promptly runs to tell us about in the same old "bonked head" fashion :)