"We kiss the sweetest of Snickerdoodles, and teach the fragile Butterflies how to fly..."

"We kiss the sweetest of Snickerdoodles, and teach the fragile Butterflies how to fly..."

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

North Carolina Zoo

We had a wonderful time a the zoo! We decided that instead of some romantic outing for Valentine's Day, that would most likely end up unromantic because of our two little munchkins, we would take the family out on a trip to the zoo! We got there as it was opening, and were probably the 3rd car in the parking lot. It drizzled a little on us, but mostly we were sheltered by some of the exhibits, so all was fine! It ended up being a beautiful sunny day! Our first snack was under a gazebo, and we had some hot chocolate to ward off the cold....mmmmmmm!!!!

Our lunch was in one of the pavilions, and it was so nice to bask in the warm sun! By the time we were done, the kids were getting cranky and tired, but the layout of the zoo required us to walk ALL the way back, the way we had come because the other parking lot/shuttle was closed down. So, we decided to treat ourselves to a drive back to the other entrance via tram...and it was free!! Just so everyone knows how long it would have been to walk back...it took us about 10 minutes to get back to our begining entrance, and the tram wasn't going slow!

Back at the entrance, Jason was SO excited when we decide to let him "Drop a Penny"! He chose the imprint, and put in the two quarters and his penny, and Jonathan helped him crank it through the machine. He was just thrilled when it dropped, and he saw the Lion imprint. We decided to get two, because it was just so cool, so we got the elephant on a different machine, where you just have to push a button. Jason loved that too though, and when we walked to the car, and I asked to see one, I was planning on keeping it for scrapbooking purposes. 10 seconds go by, and he said, "Um...I need my penny back.". Serves me right for thinking I could snag his prized possesion so soon after recieving them!

Tyler had fallen asleep in the stroller, so we just popped him in the car, and Jason fell asleep before we were off the zoo property (which takes about 5 minutes). Not including gas, the entire trip cost us only $21.02! Because of winter pricing, we were both $8, and Jason was $4, the pennies lost their .02 value, and it cost $1 to imprint them. Parking was free, the tram was free, and so were our snacks and lunch :) I call that a frugal and fun Valentine's Day, wouldn't you?

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