At the Mall!
Every year, we have made it a tradition to go to the mall, let the kids get a little bag of candy from a candy shop, look at all the stores and shoppers, and visit the in-mall pet shop! This year was so much fun, and we definitely got a couple stares...especially when Jason was pushing Emilie in her stroller, and me and Jon was escorting me on his arm, as he pushed the little boys in rental kids cart :D
Dreaming about some lollypops |
Looking over the wrapped candies |
We got a snack of oreos, and mommy (foolishly..) gave Emi one to nibble on |
And Nibble she did! |
Jelly Bellies please! |
Is Tyler actually drooling?? lol! |
My Boys |
So while mommy got distracted photographing the boys and their candy...Emilie went to town on her oreo! |
SOMEONE is excited to get candy ;) |
At the playplace in the mall |
Micah and Emilie (yes, she sits up very well now!) |
Silly Micah |
Watching her brothers... |
Looking at mama and daddy... |
♥♥ Jon and Heather ♥♥ |
Emilie threw a fit when we put her back in the stroller to continue our mall tour :( |
My 3 princes...riding a "fire truck" mall cart |
Micah's pretty excited :) |
Happy (and clean!) Again |
Mommy & Emilie |
Also known as The Princess and The Queen, right Jonny? ;) |
She LOVED the elevator! |

That Evening, we went to Janice and Snoball's house for supper and to exchange gifts. These first pictures are all taken by Tyler...who somehow snatched my camera and started clicking away while I was distracted (obviously...). Enjoy!
Aunt Janice |
Jason and Janice |
Christmas Tree |
Gifts |
Emilie, all ready for her first Christmas, and Jason, already opening gifts! |
"A spiderman puzzle, dad!" |
"Tyler, hold it down so I can see you..." |
Jason and Mommy helping Emilie open her gifts |
Opening Gifts on her first Christmas |
Eating them first though... |
Snoball had to tackle the toy packaging for the! |
Daddy and Tyler |
"Forget the gifts, I'll just eat the paper and tissue..." |
You can't see her face very well, but she was giving Uncle Snoball a BIG grin! |
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