"We kiss the sweetest of Snickerdoodles, and teach the fragile Butterflies how to fly..."

"We kiss the sweetest of Snickerdoodles, and teach the fragile Butterflies how to fly..."

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

October, 2011, Picture Newsletter!

Tyler asked Daddy if he could help build a "dog" with legos. It was so cute to hear them talking in the bedroom, working on the different parts and spending time together ♥

Little Miss Emma didn't have that many woolies for her stash, so I have been slowly making her some when I get a chance between shop stocking and custom orders :) This pink pair with the ties down the side are SO soft, and fit her perfect!

After promising me a piano for 3 years now (yes...before Micah was born...), Jonathan suprised me with this!!! We had a dear friend from church offer her piano to us, and Jonathan said yes, but there was just never time to pick it up. One night though, I found that all the boys had helped Jon go pick it up...I have seriously been in swoony-bliss ever since!

The boys lovin' on each other :) They do fight some, but mostly I am seeing the benefits of their close ages, in how compatible they are when playing. I hope they continue to grow closer as they grow older...

Me and Emilie at an old homestead in the Great Smokey Mountains. She tried to stay awake and fuss, but eventually sleep won out ♥

Jonathan letting the boys hang out at the river on the homestead, in the mountains...

Emilie had just as much fun as her big brothers on the play toys at the park!!

Pudgy-Gills Micah, trying to act serious :)

Daddy insisted on being the first to feed baby girl..


"WOAH, this is actually good!"

Sleepy baby, wearing some Baltic Amber for teething

Not so sure about this kitty thing....

Our Cow had her calf! A little heifer! We named her Milly (Marigold is her mama)

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