The other day, Allyson and Alex asked Jason what he wanted for his birthday (which is this coming Tuesday). He promptly responded with, "A puppy."
"A puppy, Jason? Like...a stuffed animal puppy?"
"No. I mean a REAL puppy."
He had been toting around Tyler's plastic pull-toy puppy for the past week, but other than that, we had no reason to think a puppy had been on his mind. AT all. We don't talk about getting a puppy, we don't read about puppies, just...nada. Where in the world did this come from? Well, we don't really know. We told Allyson that she couldn't get him one though :)
Then, this morning comes. As we are almost to church, I was thinking about the words of wisdom from cousin Becki through an e-mail she sent out...about expecting God to be at work (I posted it on my blog, as you can see). I really was anticipating something good at church today, and had a good feeling. As we are driving along the road to our church (which parallels the interstate), we see something on the side of the interstate...Jonathan slows down, and we realize it is a dog or puppy of some sort.
Long story short, it is a BLAZING hot day (in the 80's), and I wanted to see what exactly it was, and if it was ok. Jonathan didn't want to, and said, "If we go over there, I know what's gonna happen."
As much as I would like to deny it (and tried to in the car), Jonathan is almost ALWAYS right. This is no exception. He finally said I could bring it in the car, and we would figure out what to do with it when we got to church. As we park the car, he smiles, looks back at Jason and says,
"Well, I guess God got Jason a puppy for his birthday"

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