So, I spend alot of time on a forum called "diaperswappers" (I'm confessing here...), and recently me and Jon have been frustrated with how much our children wet during the night. They DRENCH a sposie (disposable diaper), and will soak through doubled up fuzzi bunz'. Out of mere frustration, I resorted to searching out what other cloth-diapering mommies do for nighttime wets, and I discovered the world of....
I am so excited! More specifically, these items of clothing are reffered to as "Woolies". So, there are Soakers which are kinda like little mini-shorts/diaper cover sized things. Then, there are longies, that are pants made out of wool. And there are also shorties, which are a length that is between the soakers and longies, almost like capri/board shorts length?
Maybe a little old fashioned, but you'll DIE DIE DIE of adoration when you see these pictures of children wearing "woolies" outfits! Girls items are usually way cuter (SHOCKING...), but the boys are pretty stinkin' adorable too.
There are diferent ways you can make these things:
1) Buy interlock, which is actual wool fabric, and then cut out your pieces and sew them like you would any other piece of clothing
2) Buy wool yarn, and crochet/knit them yourself
3) Buy/use what is called "recycled wool", which means, you get a used piece of wool clothing, cut out your pieces, and sew them together to make whichever you choose. This is the cheapest way, as interlock is super expensive, and crocheting/knitting is time consuming plus expensive depending on the brand and quality of your yarn
4) Buy them from a WAHMmy (Work At Home Mommy)! Again, prices depend on what you want...but both sewn interlock and knit/crocheted are pretty much the same priced, but recycled is much cheaper, and still really good quality!
I have decided I am gonna try to make some...that is after mine arrive in the mail from the WAHMmy that is making them for us :) Micah is getting a soaker, and Tyler is getting longies. So, when we get our farm's website up, I will hopefully have a good collection of them already made, ready to sell!
Why are these things the answer to my prayers?? The most amazing thing about wool, is that it naturally will soak up the pee, which then chemically changes (which means it doesn't get stinky like urine OR ammonia)! The wool is naturally microbial too, which means no bacteria can grow on/in it. The wool has lanolin in it, which makes it so the liquid is trapped, and won't leak onto anything. SO...basically, you put these on over a dipe, and even if the dipe gets DRENCHED, you can hold the child and not get wet...or if sleeping, the sheets and blankets will be completely dry! When you know they must've gotten wet (like after nighttime), you just hang them up to dry!!! About every two weeks, you need to wash and re-lanolize them so they stay waterproof, absorbent, and repellent.

I am so excited! More specifically, these items of clothing are reffered to as "Woolies". So, there are Soakers which are kinda like little mini-shorts/diaper cover sized things. Then, there are longies, that are pants made out of wool. And there are also shorties, which are a length that is between the soakers and longies, almost like capri/board shorts length?
Maybe a little old fashioned, but you'll DIE DIE DIE of adoration when you see these pictures of children wearing "woolies" outfits! Girls items are usually way cuter (SHOCKING...), but the boys are pretty stinkin' adorable too.
There are diferent ways you can make these things:
1) Buy interlock, which is actual wool fabric, and then cut out your pieces and sew them like you would any other piece of clothing
2) Buy wool yarn, and crochet/knit them yourself
3) Buy/use what is called "recycled wool", which means, you get a used piece of wool clothing, cut out your pieces, and sew them together to make whichever you choose. This is the cheapest way, as interlock is super expensive, and crocheting/knitting is time consuming plus expensive depending on the brand and quality of your yarn
4) Buy them from a WAHMmy (Work At Home Mommy)! Again, prices depend on what you want...but both sewn interlock and knit/crocheted are pretty much the same priced, but recycled is much cheaper, and still really good quality!
I have decided I am gonna try to make some...that is after mine arrive in the mail from the WAHMmy that is making them for us :) Micah is getting a soaker, and Tyler is getting longies. So, when we get our farm's website up, I will hopefully have a good collection of them already made, ready to sell!
Why are these things the answer to my prayers?? The most amazing thing about wool, is that it naturally will soak up the pee, which then chemically changes (which means it doesn't get stinky like urine OR ammonia)! The wool is naturally microbial too, which means no bacteria can grow on/in it. The wool has lanolin in it, which makes it so the liquid is trapped, and won't leak onto anything. SO...basically, you put these on over a dipe, and even if the dipe gets DRENCHED, you can hold the child and not get wet...or if sleeping, the sheets and blankets will be completely dry! When you know they must've gotten wet (like after nighttime), you just hang them up to dry!!! About every two weeks, you need to wash and re-lanolize them so they stay waterproof, absorbent, and repellent.

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