So, as I stated on my last post, our Car's engine is ruined, and it will cost almost $3000 to repair it. UGH!
PLEASE be praying that the Lord provides. I'm not sure what he'll do, but I remember my aunt Virginia saying that it is so exciting when you are in a place of complete dependency on the Lord, and you have no option but to sit and watch what miracle He is gonna work out "This Time" :)
I am SO in that place now. I keep being at my wits end, and then the next moment, I have this incredible peace, that its all gonna be ok. I don't know how this is possible, since the consequences of not having a vehicle are so awful. But, thank the Lord that our dear friend has let Jonathan use his truck to get to and from work...but since it only has 2 seats, there is no way for me to go anywhere for the time being because the boys can't go (Well...I more mean that MICAH can't go, and even though Tim could watch the older two, I can't leave Micah).
So again, please keep us in your prayers!
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