The other day, we were burning brush piles outside (well...Tim and Jon were...I was watching with the boys, lol!), when I started noticing the guys throwing in these BEAUTIFUL vines! they were all perfectly twisted around each other, and my mind started reeling just thinking of all the things I could do with them! Jon said they were a pain in the *B*U*T*T* though, to get untangled from trees and other vines, but after awhile, him and Tim had brought me a nice collection, and right then and there, I made 3 christmas wreaths!! One is Jason's...the funny looking small one, in the first picture. The third one is on our door, and its too dark out there to take a picture now :) Aren't they so fancy!?

This year, we haven't been able to get a christmas tree yet, and all of us have been whining at some point or another, about how it just doesn't seem like christmas. I asked Jon if we might have some trees on our property, and he said no, to my great disappointment. All we have are huge cedar trees, and ugly pine trees.
Well, desperate for some greenery in the house to spruce up the season (no pun intended), I went out and got some more vines from the pile, and started clipping cedar branches to make a creation on the stairs (pictures to come...). Then, I saw them! A bunch of adorable, but sparse, cedar saplings! Upon looking one over, I immediately realized these were WAY to small and sparse for a tree...but then an idea dawned on me! Why not cut 2 or 3 the same height, and bind them together somehow???? YEAH! So, I cut them up, and then saw my vines there, and was like *LIGHTBULB!*, I'll just wrap a small vine around the trunks of the 3 trees! No need for artificial yarn, glue, or wire! It worked BEAUTIFULLY, and I was done in like, 5 minutes! Jason and me found a nice piece of pottery out in the shed, that says "Made In Germany" on the bottom, and we filled it with small rocks. So far, our little trees have been drinking LOTS of water! :)
And, as I didn't want to use up ornaments for our big tree, I have started making some out of yarn, for our little kitchen tree :) Aren't they pretty? I have already made almost 5 now! I also tied little white ribbons in bows on a couple branches. I"ll take another picture once its all decorated, but you get the basic idea.

This was my and the boys' gift to daddy on his birthday. We all *painfully* got pinecones, and I cut a piece of cardboard and got an "evergreen" 12x12 scrapbook page, and we glued them up! The "WE LOVE YOU" part is pieced together broken pinecone pieces..not sure what the official name is for them...but you know what I'm talking about. We (mommy) glued them on.
Not much, but it was a labor of love, and I think Jon liked it :)
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